Food & Rest


The school provides snacks, and parents provide lunch. Foods that are perishable should be bagged together and the bag should be labeled. On arrival, place that bag in the Perishables bin in your classroom. Non-perishable foods can be left in the lunch box. A thermos will keep lunches warm.

We will not insist that children eat at lunchtime, but we will encourage them. Children are asked to eat a minimum of 1/2 of their main course before proceeding to the dessert portion of their lunch.

When feasible, we will send home the uneaten portion of your child’s lunch. In this way you will have concrete “feedback” concerning your child’s lunch habits. With the exception of a few days following Halloween, candy is not permitted at school. Lunch should include a balanced selection of foods.

If your child is on a special diet or is allergic to certain foods, let us know before the school term begins. If your child’s needs are very unique, we may ask you to provide snacks from home. Since many children are seriously at risk when exposed to peanuts and tree nuts, they will not be permitted in the classroom.


If your child stays for rest time, please keep a clean, toddler-size blanket (roughly 4′ by 4′) in their cubby — no sleeping bags. The children sleep on small cots or mats provided by the school. We suggest that you label everything and keep to a once-a-week cleaning schedule. A small pillow and/or soft toy may also be included.